Biological and Chemical Oceanography Author : Austin Brennan Subject : Oceanography ISBN :9781641165822 The study of the ocean and its biological and physical aspects is known as oceanography. It is an earth science that includes a wide range of topics such as ocean current, ecosystem, and geophysical fluid Read More |
Author : Theobald Lane Subject : Oceanography ISBN :9781641165839 The study of the biological and physical aspects of the ocean is known as oceanography. It is a sub-discipline of Earth science. There are various aspects, which are studied within oceanography such as Read More |
Oceanography: An Earth Science Perspective Author : Austin Brennan Subject : Oceanography ISBN :9781641165860 Oceanography is a fundamental study of physical and biological aspects of ocean. It is an important branch of earth science. It covers a range of topics such as ocean currents, ecosystem dynamics, waves, Read More |