Constance Stanton
Callisto Reference
Biological Sciences - Computational Biology
USD 142
Computational biology is concerned with the application and development of theoretical and data-analytical methods, computational simulation techniques and mathematical modeling to study behavioral, ecological, biological and social systems. Computational biology is a broad field which uses principles and concepts from computer science, genetics, genomics, biochemistry, biophysics, applied mathematics, molecular biology and statistics. Computational anatomy, computational biomodeling, cancer computational biology, computational pharmacology and computational neuroscience are a few of the important sub-fields of computational biology. It can be used to assist the creation of accurate models of the human brain and in modeling biological systems. Computational biology also helps in sequencing the human genome. This book provides comprehensive insights into the field of computational biology. The various sub-fields within this discipline along with technological progress that have future implications are glanced at in it. This book is appropriate for those seeking detailed information in this area.