Josephine Randall
Callisto Reference
Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology - Biochemistry
USD 148
Pharmacology is a branch of pharmaceutical sciences that focuses on the study of drug action and medication action. It studies the interactions between a living organism and chemicals that affect the biochemical function. Pharmacology includes drug design and synthesis, drug composition and properties, molecular and cellular mechanisms, molecular diagnostics, chemical biology, organ mechanisms, therapy, medical applications and antipathogenic capabilities. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics are two main branches of pharmacology. Pharmacodynamics studies how a drug influences the biological systems. Pharmacokinetics studies the effects of biological systems on a drug. The absorption, metabolism, distribution and excretion of chemicals from the biological systems are also studied under this field. This book unfolds the innovative aspects of pharmacology which will be crucial for the progress of this field in the future. Some of the diverse topics covered herein address the varied branches that fall under this category. Through this book, we attempt to further enlighten the readers about the new concepts in this field.