Cassius Foster
Callisto Reference
Agricultural Sciences - Agronomy
USD 157
Agronomy is a domain of science and technology that is concerned with the production and usage of plants for food, fiber, fuel and land reclamation. It encompasses studies from various areas including plant genetics, plant physiology, meteorology and soil science. It uses a combination of sciences like biology, economics, ecology, chemistry and genetics. It primarily deals with issues such as food production, management of the environmental impact of agriculture and extraction of energy from plants. Some focus areas related to agronomy are crop rotation, soil classification, irrigation and drainage, plant physiology, and pest control. It also makes use of biotechnology for achieving the development of required characteristics in plants. This textbook provides comprehensive insights into the field of agronomy. Some of the diverse topics covered herein address the varied branches that fall under this category. This book will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.